Verified 7 time Grand Prize Million Dollar Lottery Winner
from Florida Shows You How to Win the Lottery 7
out of every 10 times you Play...
If you want a FASTER and EASIER way to win more cash and prizes from playing the lottery... this same system helped Richard win the lottery 7 times and millions of dollars in cash and prizes.
Now, it’s YOUR turn to put them to work!
You'll only see this page ONCE...
So if you're fed up with never winning anything when you play the lottery, Richard is giving a LIMITED NUMBER of people a chance to get what's been called the “Bible of Lotto Winning”...
Dear Friend,
Hey there, Richard here and I just want to say “CONGRATS” on your decision to enroll in
"Lottery Winner University"... the first and only University that increases your chance of winning the lottery.
I just know you're going to be blown away by how much faster and easier your odds of winning increase. I've seen it happen with a lot of folks who won the lottery and changed their lives for the best using my advice...
Larry Dawson of Webster City, Iowa Larry Dawson came forward to accept their $9.09 million dollar jackpot. He told lottery officials and media that they started playing after reading a book by Richard Lustig called “Learn How To Increase Your Chances Of Winning The Lottery”.
My husband & I used your method to hit a jackpot for 2 million dollars!
Jennifer and Shaun, Florida
Picked up $46,000 last week in our PowerBall lottery.
Bill Berryman Melbourne, Australia
I won $10,000 today on the 100 million dollar blockbuster scratch off.
Jason - Kansas City, MO
By the way, you'll be sent to the page where you can finish signing up for "Lottery Winner University". But before I send you over there, I want to share with you a ONE time, very limited chance to grab my newest and most up to date book on winning the lottery.
It's going to the presses soon, and will be priced at the regular book store price.
For those enrolling in the “Lottery Winner University”, I'm giving you a chance to get the digital online version of my new e-book, for a tiny fraction of the regular price.
This way, you can get the same information I personally used to win the lotto 7 times... and you can start reading about how I did it in the next 2 minutes.
Once you read it, you can go out today, put the steps into play, and start winning 7 out of every 10 times you play. Now... here's why I wrote this book and why I'm letting others have access to my secrets.
Frankly, I'm Pissed!
See, there are hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of books, courses, or programs out there... all claiming they can help you win the lottery more.
But I call B.S. In fact, I want to set something straight. The fact is, almost every single one of those other people who sell a course on winning the lottery... they're MARKETERS and NOT lottery winners.
That's right... most of them have NEVER won a lottery at all. That's what pissed me off so much. These marketers out there, selling books to earn a quick buck off the dreams and emotions of all the nice, regular, people who'd LOVE to win the lottery... but just haven't been able to do it yet.
Well, I'm not sure about you... but if I wanted to win the lottery, I'd rather learn from someone who has done it... and not someone who just wrote a book but has never one. I want to copy real life results, not theory and “what ifs”.
I didn't just win the lottery once, I've won the lottery a total of SEVEN times.
I've made appearances on Good Morning America and I even have my picture posted in the Ripley’s Museum, because I'm the only one who has ever won the lotto this many times.
You can find actual documentation of my winnings right on the Florida Lottery site... I've been asked to appear on national TV to share my lottery winning methods.
Here I am on the Rachel Ray Show...
And with Robin Roberts from
Good Morning America...
NO ONE won the lottery 7 times... which is why I'm featured by Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not”
Because of winning 7 times, I've been on the Learning Channel, Good Morning America,
Fox And Friends, The Today Show In Australia and many more..
And I practice what I preach.
Here I am teaching a class on how to improve your chances of winning the lottery...
My first lottery grand prize was $10,000 back in 1993.
In 2002, I won 842,152.91 from the Florida Lottery
My seventh grand prize was a total of $98,992.92.
I’m not trying to brag, I’m just trying to explain to you that my system REALLY DOES WORK and I have proof... unlike marketers who are all trying to make a buck.
None of them have won.... and CERTAINLY not 7 times like I have. In addition to the 7 grand prizes I have won, I've also won a couple of cash prizes that were too high to be paid out in the local store where I purchase my tickets.
And you're going to learn my little-known secrets inside "Lottery Winner University".
How You Can Increase Your Chances of Winning by
4 Times, even if You've Never Played the Lottery!
It’s true that very few people win the lottery. Most will fail. When I say “most”, I mean 97%. Perhaps you have already experienced this?
Well, the odds are over 97% that you have.
The reason why you can’t seem to win is simple. You make the same mistakes almost all people make when trying to win the lottery.
They use what they THINK works but never has.
Doesn't it make more sense to follow someone who HAS won? What's more, what if you could learn from someone who has won 7 times!
Let that soak in.
What that means is you can learn the same secrets I know and have used.
All You Need Is a Proven System that has Already Won!
It’s really that simple. But maybe not obvious to most people. The truth is, though, every great accomplishment involves learning from those who have already succeeded at what you want.
There’s no reason holding you back from the same kind of success that I've enjoyed. And there’s even better news: you can enjoy that success faster, better, and easier than I did.
That's because I kept a written journal and documentation of what I did to win the lottery 7 times. What that means is, instead of waiting for Lottery Winner University to get started with your first video... you could get instant access to an e-book that shares my entire system.
If you want, you can get INSTANT access to all of my best tips, secrets, and techniques I used to win the lottery 7 times in Florida.
That way, in just 30 seconds from now, you can now all of my secrets and strategies I used to win the lotto 7 times... but you don't have to wait.
Introducing What's Been Called “the Lotto Winning Bible” and Only Book Written by a 7 Time Lottery Winner
"Richard's Top Lottery Secrets! : Learn Why Most People LOSE The Lottery and How You Can Be A Winner" is my newest and most in depth book on what I did to win the Florida Grand-prize lottery 7 times!
In 30 seconds from now, you can learn the exact steps I used to WIN over $1 million dollars. My biggest win to date was $842,152 playing Mega Money in Florida. I recently won a $98,000 Fantasy Five Grand Prize.
When I won my third and fourth…I knew I had cracked the code on winning the lottery.
I won Fantasy Five jackpots of $74,000 and $98,000 — and a Florida Mega Money prize worth $842,000. Just those three alone was a million dollars.
Since then, I've won the lottery 7 times and pocketed multiple millions in winnings.
As far as I know I'm the only person in the world who is a seven time lottery grand prize winner.
This same book can be your SECRET WEAPON for winning the lottery.
Sure you may not win a million dollars like I have, or even win 7 times like I have, but how would YOUR life change if YOU won an extra $10,000... $50,000 or even.... $100,000?
My guess is that your life and happiness would improve a lot. Having a lot of money in the bank can definitely take away a lot of worry that NOT having money causes. Imagine how great it would feel when you don't have all that stress and worry about bills, car payments, rent, or any of the same stuff you worry about, over and over again every day.
This is a ONE Time Opportunity to Increase Your Chances of Winning the Lottery by 4 Times!
In this same book, I show you the exact secrets and strategies I've used to win over a million dollars in the last. Yes, that's over $1 MILLION in lotto winnings!
I'm a REAL and verified 7 time lottery winner from Florida... having won over a million dollars. It's all verified by the Florida Lottery. Plus, I'm proud of the fact I've helped so many REAL PEOPLE enjoy the happiness and financial security that comes from winning the lottery.
And even though you'll receive live video training from me inside Lottery Winner University, as well as the tools... you can NOT pass up this one time offer to get my newest book with all of my TOP LOTTERY SECRETS!
By reading this e-book and enrolling in the university... you're going to increase your chances of winning the lottery by up to 4 TIMES more!
The combination of the 2 will make it you have a chance of winning the lottery 7 out of every 10 tries. This e-book contains all of my best, little known secrets I USED to win $842,152.91 in just ONE Mega Money lottery.
Again, I won 7 grand prize lotteries!
SO if you want to skyrocket your chances of winning by 4 times... grabbing this e-book is the fastest and easiest way to do it.
Again, I'm not trying to brag, but I'm the real deal when it comes to winning the lottery. I've won 7 times in Florida... Over a million in earnings. And I decided to write this e-book to clear the air, help as many people win as possible... and put the BS artists in their place.
Look, I eat, sleep, and breathe winning the lottery. And you can grab this e-book and learn all of my secrets... in about an hour. That's right... what took me 20 years to learn and successfully use.. you can learn in 60 minutes.
No matter what game you play, the secrets I'll reveal in my e-book will skyrocket your chances of winning the lottery 4 times more than using Lottery Winner University alone.
If you want to win the lottery 7 out of every 10 tries... just grab this e-book and learn the following information
Here's what You'll Learn in "Richard's Top Lottery Secrets!" Why Most People LOSE The Lottery and How You Can Be A Winner"
Chapter 1:
Why Do You Most People Struggle to Win The Lottery?
Chapter 2:
How Can You Improve Your Chances of Winning
Chapter 3:
Why Quick Picks Are You Worst Enemy
Chapter 4:
Focus on Games That Are Easier to Win!
Chapter 5:
Playing Like a WINNER - Developing a Winners Mindset
Chapter 6:
Learning from Past Winners
This book gives you the proven tips to help you win the lottery! What I can tell you is that these are methods that I've personally followed and work for me.
I've won 7 times... so the sheer fact of following someone who has won the lottery 7 times WILL improve your chances. In fact, the methods and strategies I teach you in this program can help you increase your odds of winning to 7 out of 10 tries.
That's right, you'll be able to win 7 out of every 10 times you play the lotto. I'm not saying you'll win the Powerball or Grand-prize 7 out of 10 times... I'm talking any game.
Because I've won the Florida Grand Prize lottery 7 times and have pocketed over a million dollars in prize money... I decided to be the one winner who wasn't afraid to spill my secrets.
Obviously, after winning the lottery 7 times... I don't need the money, I've got plenty of that. I'm doing this to protect you from scammers, marketers, and BS artists who are selling “win the lotto” programs... when they NEVER EVER WON ONCE!
That would be like me writing a book on how to play baseball, without every picking up a baseball in my entire life. Makes no sense! Not only have I won a million bucks in prize money... I've won hundreds of thousands of dollars in smaller prizes. The bottom line is...
I've Cracked the Code to Winning the Lottery
And now, I'd love to show you how I did it. My e-book has the list of secrets I used to become the first and ONLY seven-time Florida Lottery grand-prize winner.
I’ve spent the last 20 years developing a system that has allowed me to GREATLY increase my chances of winning the lottery and bring over a million bucks in cash. And through years of trial and error, I’ve perfected a lottery system that GREATLY increases your odds.
See, over the last 20 years, I've kept track of what worked and what didn't, and refined it into a system that has been incredibly accurate when it comes to winning. I feel it's what helped me win the lottery 7 different times.
That's why after 20 years, I can confidently say I know how to reduce most of the odds that cause people to lose... while increasing the odds I've used to win.
You can GREATLY increase your odds of winning by following a proven system and set of rules. And then, never waver from those rules.
Look, there's a system to picking winning numbers and it's not about guessing or luck. You don't win seven major lotteries and millions of dollars with luck alone.
In each of my 7 lottery wins, I broke down what I did for each win and realized that none of it was sheer luck. I knew exactly what I was doing.
There are dozens of secrets that I've uncovered and learned over the last 20 years of playing. What these secrets do is... increase your odds of winning while decreasing the odds of losing.
And you'll get all of my secrets in...
"Richard's Top Lottery Secrets!" Why Most People LOSE The Lottery and How You Can Be A Winner"
It's the “MUST-have” addition to enrolling in the Lottery Winner University because this e-book will give you the secrets... while the university training will show you how to use the secrets in action... so you get real world practice.
Except in my class... you literally have the chance to win a lot of money and change your life.
I'll show you how you can use my e-book and university to quadruple your chances of winning. You'll be able to win 7 out of every 10 times you play.
The secrets in the book teach you methodically and systematically how to put the odds of winning in your favor, while reducing the biggest mistakes most lottery losers make.
So, think of this e-book as your legal but unfair companion to Lottery Winner University. It will give you a legal edge for picking winning lottery numbers. If you're tired of watching other people win the lottery and buy mansions, sports cars and anything else they want... grab this e-book and you'll be on your way to change that.
I've been able to crack the secret code to winning the lottery. I did it by developing a system that gives you the HIGHEST probability of picking winning lottery numbers. I'll show you my secret formula I use to find and pick THE most likely number combinations that will hit next.
My system narrows them down to the ones that have the highest probability of coming up.
With it, you get the secret I've learned that helps me find the most likely number combinations to hit for the lottery game you're playing. You're simply following the same recipe a 7 time lottery-winner used to win. I have actually real world experience and results nobody else has.
That's Why I Wrote this E-book...
I want to show you that it takes more than a magic formula or fairy tale software to win.
Almost all of the marketers who sell lottery programs have never won. That alone separates me from those scam artists.
I've seen it all. I know what works and what doesn't. And I have a wealth of experience when it comes to picking winning numbers... so I knew I had to get my system and secrets out there to more people. I released this book to help people... I certainly don't need the money.
Look I'm sure you've bought other lottery courses or books in the past but have been disappointed. And honestly, I'm not surprised. Like I said, they're written by marketers, not lottery winners.
So if you've struggled with winning in the past... this e-book will change your luck because it gives you the same exact secrets and methods I've learned and used to win 7 times.
And You Get the Secrets Just Seconds from Now
And while this system has been incredibly accurate and reliable when it comes to predicting winning numbers... the real value is when you use the e-book with
Lottery Winner University.
The e-book gives you my secrets and method, the university gives you real world training and experience in learning what it takes to quadruples your chances of winning.
With the e-book and value is when you use the e-book with
Lottery Winner University... you'll quadruple your chances of winning the lottery... to the point you win 7 out of every 10 times you play! And without a doubt, this can be your ticket to winning the lottery and enjoying life-changing money.
It's a proven system to pick winning numbers that has already helped me with 7 times! I'm sorry... but winning anything 7 times isn't luck... it's because I've learned a tried and true system that works... and it's based on my experience and 20 years of following patterns and seeing what's working (and what isn't)
This is an unfair advantage and insider's system written by someone who has actually won 7 times. So, it's not just theory written by someone who HOPES to win. It's a real live system written by someone who HAS won...
And Won 7 Major Grand Prize Lotteries
For the first time you have the chance to win consistently and repeatedly win big amounts for you and your family. It even gives you the ability to make a living out of playing lotteries.
Whether you win the jackpot or $10,000, $50,000, $100,000... enjoying thousands of dollars every month is something you can do.
And remember...the e-book and the Lottery Winner University work hand in hand together to give you the little-known secrets for choosing the numbers that have the highest probability to come up... with a very high degree of accuracy.
That means picking winning numbers has never been easier. I can guarantee that somewhere in your near future you'll WIN.
So let me wrap this up...
But when you read my program and learn my secrets... you won’t need luck. You'll have my secret method I've developed based on my 20 years of experience and winning the Florida Grand-prize lottery a record 7 times.
I'd love to have the chance to help you win the lottery more often and enjoy peace of mind that comes from having more than enough money to afford anything you could ever want... while never having to worry about money again.
If you're ready to ENSURE your financial security and that of your family... this is your chance.
This guide was written by myself... a 7 time winner of the Florida Grand-prize lottery... which allowed me to enjoy millions in cash and prizes. This guide packed with tons of secrets and tips on how to win the lottery.
This is your chance to try it out and experience firsthand how it feels to win BIG MONEY using an unfair advantage for picking winning numbers. In 2 minutes, you can be on your way to cracking the lottery code like others have... changing your life and your family's life forever.
Don't let a little more than dollar and a day for just 30 days come between you and this book full of secrets.
Look, whether you win a hundred grand, $500,000, $1 million, or more... for most, winning the lottery is a dream come true. But I'm going to prove to you that it doesn't have to be a dream.
If you have the inside secrets that only a 7-time winner can give you...
You too can Claim Your Share of Massive Winnings
This e-book, combined with
Lottery Winner University is guaranteed to change your lottery luck forever… no matter which game you play or how often you play.
Look, you're just one step away from winning the big jackpot... so go ahead and step inside the winners circle. If you're ready to ensure your chance for life-changing money that comes from winning the lottery.... grab your e-book and enjoy the RISK-FREE TRIAL Today!
If you think that winning the lottery would improve your life... and you want to quadruple your chances of doing it... here's your chance to take action now and secure your spot!
Please hurry.
The only time you'll see this special low price discount is right now, during enrollment for
Lottery Winner University.
Once you're off this page, the special discounted price disappears forever. We're only making this low price available for those who are enrolling in the
Lottery Winner University.
All others have to pay the regular price of $59.95.
Join with a Risk-Free Trial today and you can be on your way to winning 7 out of every 10 lottery tries.
But this is a limited offer, so please act now!
Don't miss out!
Ensure your chance to get in on life-changing money.
Grab your RISK FREE TRIAL Today!
When it comes to getting advice on winning the lottery, who better to learn from than someone who has won 7 the lottery 7 times and millions of dollars.
And no matter if you’re new to playing the lottery or a seasoned vet from the trenches...this e-book will greatly improve your odds of winning.
Winning the lottery is a learned process... just like any other skill. There are poker players who can enter tournaments and win the entire thing. And some say that poker is a game of luck and chance.

It's not. Poker, as well as the lottery, is
simply a matter of using your experience
to put as many odds in your favor as
possible. This e-book hands you all the
secrets I've learned over 20 years of
playing the lottery and winning the
Florida Grand Prize a record 7 times.
The system I'll hand you in
this e-book,
combined with
Lottery Winner University
can GREATLY increase your odds of winning
the lottery while decreasing your odds of losing.
These are things I've learned over the years that have put the odds of winning in my favor. And they work, because I've won 7 times and over a million dollars in cash. That doesn't include the fortune I've won in other cash and prizes.
I've been there, done that, and started from zero and made myself a millionaire... and this e-book shows you all the steps I took. After 20 years of playing, I have proven techniques that work for me.
You'll get access to everything I've learned over the last 20 years of playing...the same methods helped me win over a million dollars and 7 grand prize lottery winnings.
Look, if you want to learn the secrets of winning the lottery, you’ll want to learn from someone who is doing it. Try and find another 7 time grand prize winner who will teach you this stuff.
I refuse to be like the other BS scam artists who promise they can show you how to win... but they themselves never won!

Unlike them, what I CAN show you is what I did to win
7 times. This isn't theory... it's what really worked.
What you'll learn are the exact step. It's not about some
BS scam or blind luck.
Again, none of the other courses are even written by
people who have won the lottery.
And even if they were, I can guarantee you that none of
them were written by someone who has won a record
7 times. No one else has... which is why I'm in Ripley's
Believe it or Not.
Bottom line, this is your one and only chance to grab this
e-book for this low of a price and learn the exact steps I took
to win the lottery 7 times. You get the step-by-step method I’ve spent the last 20 years perfecting to GREATLY increase your odds of winning the lottery.
This is not theory... it's literally all of my best advice, broken down in step by step “do this then do that” directions you need to improve your odds of winning the lottery, faster and easier.
I'm a real seven time lottery winner and I've written down the steps I used to win, putting them into this e-book. And unlike scam programs written by mystery authors who have no proof that can be VERIFIED... you can find my name on the Florida Lottery site.
That's Why I'm Doing this...
It's why I wrote this e-book and opening doors to Lottery Winner University.
I'm tired of all the fakes out there claiming they can help you win... when NONE OF THEM have won themselves! In this e-book is the very same winning system I used.
The combination of the e-book, with the Lottery Winner University, will literally quadruple your chances of winning the lottery. It will give you a 7 in 10 chance of winning at least one lottery each time.
Would you invest a little more than a $1.00 a day for 30 days to have my exact plan written down, for you to follow and increase your odds of winning by 4 times?
In just 3 minutes, you can be reading the same system I personally used to win the lottery 7 times for more than a million bucks. And those are GRAND prize winners, I've won hundreds of thousands in smaller cash and prizes.
Even with a small win... you can quickly earn your money back. Why start from scratch when you can follow my specific steps... leading you a much greater chance of winning the lottery.
But again, you only have this one chance to get this at the discounted price.
Here's a One Time Chance to Get this Special Price...
Since you've decided to enroll in the Lottery Winner University, I'm going to let you grab the e-book “Why Most People Lose the Lottery and How You Can Be A Winner” for the lowest price it's ever been offered.
When it goes to the printers, you'll have to invest $59.95 for this same book.
But if you're seeing this page now... you have the chance to grab the e-book for the lowest price it's ever been or will be offered.
If you act right now, you have just this one chance to grab the e-book for
a one-time special discount price of just $39.00.
This Discount Price is only Valid Right Now!
This is the lowest price it's EVER been offered at, and it's only available to you right now, while you're here registering for Lottery Winner University.
If you leave this page and come back later... the deal is off. You'll have to pay the regular price of $59.95 or more.
And I'm going to take all the risk for you. That's right, I want to put your mind at ease so you don't have to worry about any money or risk. So this e-book comes with...
A “No-Questions-asked”
Money Back Guarantee...
This gives you plenty of time to get it, try it out, and see for yourself how well it works. Try it out for 90 days on us, at no risk... even though it won't take you that long to see results.
If you use it and you don't change your lotto luck in less time... I want you to ask for your money back! So grab the e-book now .
But to get this deal you have to ACT NOW. Again this is the first time it's been available at this low price, and we're only doing it for those who are enrolling in Lottery Winner University.
The Special Discounted price is a Limited Offer...
You'll Only See this Page Once
So here's the deal.
Since you're one of the first to enroll in the university… I'm making it super-simple for you to get the e-book for the discounted price of $39.
And if for any reason you're not 100% thrilled with how effective this program is... simply send me an email and I'll refund EVERY SINGLE DIME!
So if you don't grab this now, there's zero chance to later on, unless you're willing to pay full price of $59.95.
But you need to decide NOW - because if you decide to pass on this offer,
you will NOT see this page again. I'm certain you'll make the right choice. Click the "Add to Cart" button!
Richard Lustig
(No thanks. I’m going to pass on this one time opportunity to increase my odds of winning the lottery by 4 times... and winning 7 out of every 10 tries)
P.S. Remember, once you leave this page, you won't see it again. Join now for this low introductory special offer price.
Ensure your chance to win the lottery so much faster and easier by joining today! If you get this e-book and use it with
Lottery Winner University... you'll quadruple your chances of winning. You'll win 7 out of every 10 tries you make!
But please hurry, you'll only see this page once, so if you leave and come back later, you'll have to pay full price. Order now while it's fresh on your mind!